Friday, May 29, 2009

Black people and the Tavistock Institute

We Africans and African descendants throughout the world must educate our selves about what is really going on. Imagine that a stranger broke into your home, robbing it, leaving it in ruins and then kidnapped your children to work as servants within his home. This stranger, fearing an eventual retribution from these kidnapped children will find it necessary to implement systems for ensuring that these children remain loyal.
The stranger may do so by routinely showing these children pictures of their ruined former home while falsely retelling the details of their abduction that he merely rescued them from the ruins and that their parents didn’t want them at all. This would cause the children to develop an undeserving sense of loyalty and appreciation towards their kidnapper. The kidnapper may also find it necessary to implement a scheme to divide the children, to prevent them from unifying against him, by teaching them not to trust each other while simultaneously teaching them to trust only him. A system with such an objective of controlling the exploited group, however on a much larger scale, has been implemented against Black people.
The above scenario is precisely what is being done to Black people. As a means of meeting an unrelenting objective of maintaining white racial dominance and control, a massive global manipulation scheme-- that works very much like the preceded kidnapper analysis-- has been implemented against Black people. There is a worldwide conspiracy being orchestrated by an extremely powerful and influential group of white individuals (at the highest echelons) which include many of the world's wealthiest people, top political leaders, and corporate elite.

An insidious mass manipulation propaganda scheme that many researchers believe was originally orchestrated by London's Tavistock Institute of Human relations. Although it had existed for decades earlier, the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations was formally established as an independent not-for-profit charity organization in September 1947. Headquartered in London, the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations is a leading organization in the use of new and experimental behavioral science programs. It is an independent organization that conducts research in the social and behavioral sciences, applied in the field of health, education and community development. Its research orientation places it between, but not in, the worlds of academia and consultancy; and its range of disciplines include anthropology, economics, organizational behavior, political science, psychoanalysis, psychology and sociology.
The Institute’s prophet was Dr. Sigmund Freud, whom settled in Maresfield Gardens when he moved to England. Tavistock's pioneer work in science along Freudian lines of "controlling" humans established it as the world center of foundation ideology.
One of its prestige’s contributing members was Freud’s nephew and propaganda specialist Dr. Edward Bernays. He was one of the most skillful experts in mass manipulation. Dr. Edward Bernay’s invented the public relations profession in the 1920s and was the first person to take Freud's ideas to manipulate the masses.

“If we understand the mechanism and motives of a group mind, it is now possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without them knowing it" -- Dr. Edward Bernays

Another of noted contributor was Sir John Rawlings-Reese. A commander of the British Army Bureau of Psychological Warfare that conducted research studying the effect of shellshock on British soldiers who survived World War I to establish the "breaking point" of men under stress.
A wide body of indebt researches by a collection of many renowned researchers has enabled the Tavistock Institute to develop pioneering breakthroughs in the field of mass manipulation and brain-washing techniques. Its experiments in crowd control methods have been widely used on the American public, a surreptitious but nevertheless outrageous assault on human freedom by modifying individual behavior through topical psychology. A German refugee, Kurt Lewin, became director of Tavistock in 1932. He came to the U.S. in 1933 and set up the Harvard Psychology Clinic, which originated the propaganda campaign to turn the American public against Germany and involve us in World War II.
In 1938, Roosevelt executed a secret agreement with Churchill that agreed to let Special Operations Executive control U.S. policies. To implement this agreement, Roosevelt sent General Donovan to London for indoctrination before setting up OSS (now the CIA) under the aegis of SOE-SIS. The entire OSS program, as well as the CIA has always worked on guidelines set up by the Tavistock Institute. An important, objective of the Tavistock institutes is to use its skilled method of mass manipulation and societal social engineering to maintain social order. An objective that secretly includes ensuring the continuance of white dominance.
Today in carrying out many of its social-engineering agendas, many western governments (including the U.S.) now manipulates, and shapes the minds and collective consciousness of the public through the usage of misinformation and propaganda disseminated through the mass media. The common feelings of Black self hatred accompanied by an undeserving admiration towards whiteness, among so many Black people, are not merely indirect consequences of white cultural dominance upon the Black psyche, but rather instead the direct result of an insidious massive manipulation program. A sophisticated system that uses methods of propaganda and public manipulations practices, deployed very much like a massive marketing campaign. It divides to conquer and misinformed to exploit and suppress. Its propaganda and manipulations practices are being deployed in all sectors - government, media, health and welfare, entertainment, and education, etc- nationally and internationally.
The present despairing global condition of the Black world is neither a Black curse, baffling phenomenon nor the result of some innate deficient capacity for unity or intellectual ability among Black people, but rather instead the direct result of this covert compulsory racial integration program. This program is designed to break down the Black individual's sense of personal knowledge in Black identity, Black racial heritage, allegiance and unity. It encourages the minds of the Black masses to admire and love whites while blaming and hating themselves for their current despairing conditions historically created and presently continued by the white elites. Implementing such a diabolic manipulative program against the Black population is deemed necessary, by the perceptions of the white elites, because not only have they brutally exploited the Black world during the era of slavery, but also because their exploitations are being continued through America’s prison industrial complex and judicial courts that unfairly targets the Black population; American pharmaceutal companies that uses Africa as a testing ground for its experimental drugs; ongoing unfair trade practices that ensures that Africa remain a third world country; U.S. government’s economic hit men and espionage specialist that continues, like vampires , to ravish Africa of its resources while portraying the image to the world that it is merely Africans that are unable to govern themselves.
It is surmised that this modern method of control was implemented in 1968 in the face of widespread violence that ensued after the death of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Dr. King’s brutal assassination led to many demonstrations of unrest and rioting disturbances; that of which were reported in more than 100 cities across the nation. This violence resulted in the loss of lives and property that cost the nation and taxpayers millions of dollars and increasingly placed the peace and stability of the nation in dire jeopardy. America’s brutal racial mistreatment of African Americans had appeared to have reached its boiling point creating much unrest and discord. These factors, combined with the rapidly tarnishing American global image, led the U.S. Government’s agents of White supremacy to quickly reform their techniques of institutionalized racism.
The problem led to the then president, Lyndon B Johnson, ordering that a commission be formed, later known as the Kerner Commission, to investigate and prescribe a cure or recommendations for the problem. The Commission concluded that blatant White racism was the single aggravating factor for the collective problems.
The Kerner report’s findings required that the U.S. Government abandon it’s condoning of open, blatant forms of racism to control and maintain White dominance. This abandoning of dated tactics led to the need for developing an improved method of controlling and suppressing its Black population. Changing times made it necessary for the U.S. government to change its methods to a much more subtle and socially acceptable means of continuing its racial suppression of Blacks and to maintain its White dominance. Clearly, the sophisticated method of psychological warfare met such a need. It was the logical choice, perfect for the changing times. Unlike the blatantly brutal forms of racism used in the past, which Blacks were able to identify easily and therefore unify and form counter strategies, this modern method of racism works from a psychological perspective. This provided the U.S. government a more socially acceptable method of continuing the White racial hierarchy for dominance and control given that it is not as easily recognized. This new method exists in the space between overt racism and racial respect. Its methods include the ability to both influence the national climate and engender personal psychological feelings among Americans that meet the U.S government objective.

The basis of this concept of mind manipulation is that the human being's most critical aspect is the mind and it works by affecting the unconscious mind through deception. Its weapon is the message that it carries and the way that it adversely affects the targeted recipient group in terms of their behavior. Here is a simplified example of how this is being implemented against African Americans. Let us, for example, imagine that a crew of people was aboard their own massive ship and that this ship was being shadowed by another neighboring ship that was constantly broadcasting derogatory messages to the first group. Such messages as that their ship was lesser, smaller, not seaworthy, perhaps slowly sinking or that their crew was incompetent and was planning a mutiny. With time, the group receiving the negative messages, being unable to refute or to confirm these derogatory messages and deficiencies will grow weary and paranoid of the negative messages and will eventually comes to accept these negative assessments of themselves. The perception created by the taunting now unconsciously influences how the taunted group perceives themselves, subsequently causing them to become distrustful of themselves, doubting themselves, hating themselves and, eventually, fighting among themselves. The taunted group may even become so besieged by deep feelings of inadequacy that they may even jump into the sea and attempt to swim towards the taunting ship now believing it to be superior to their own boat even if their own ship was in fact better.

Within a real life setting this mortifying psychological manipulation is precisely what is being done to African Americans through an immense campaign of false derogatory misinformation and false negative media reports and statistics that are created by U.S. governmental agencies and then leaked to its collaborators in the news media, which either knowingly or unknowingly carry the stories as their own. These false information about African Americans is then disseminated unrelentingly everywhere; it is deliberately perpetuated through news releases in magazine articles, radio, television, press releases, documentaries, and false census reports perpetuating and framing the myth of Whites’ racial, moral, and ethical superiority over its Black population. However, the weapon is not in how the message is carried, but is instead within the messages that it carries and how these messages affect the targeted recipients.
The constant relentless bombardment with deplorably negative images of themselves that of which African Americans are so inundated with throughout the media is a very carefully and deliberately designed psychological conditioning program. It is designed to subject African Americans to seeing, through a controlled national media, only the worst in themselves-- while insinuating that they admire, respect, and trust only Whites. This unrelenting daily assault on the Black psyche is designed to corrupt African Americans’ sense of racial unity and cohesion, mold the character of self-hatred, and engender self-doubt, self-loathing, and distrust among their group. Many Blacks may even begin to feel that there is something not quite right about their Black humanity. To the detriment of Blacks, this system of applied psychological conditioning has been an extremely effective. It has successfully conditioned many African Americans to accept the dominance of Whites and white institutions over their lives by misleading them to believe that they are, themselves, their own worst enemies, therefore engendering an aberration of internalized self contempt that pulverizes Black unity and halts Black upward mobility.
Moreover, all African Americans have experienced the burden of this psychological warfare, some more severely than others have. It is experienced every time we [Blacks] read a newspaper, watch the evening news, enter a classroom, and read its racially biased textbooks. And while many Black Americans have successfully navigated through the psychology mortifying mine field and have gone on to lead successful, productive lives, but for far too many African Americans this immense devaluation can seem inescapable and tragically, over time, many begin to accept subconsciously and painfully the negative portrayals of themselves. Many also become discouraged by the acceptance that their society is also preconditioned to see the worst in them and that, therefore, if they were ever to gain acceptance, if it is to be won at all, that success would be hard won and likely to manifest negative internalized psychological pain and distress within many African Americans that can take many forms. In fact, this governmental mortifying psychological warfare against African Americans may be the most aggravating, if not core, factor of the national phenomenon of self hatred; loss of educational aspirations; loss of unity, cohesion and racial pride; and fragile psyches of many African Americans today. Moreover, this type of psychological manipulation program has been proven very effective in rapidly destroying a group’s ethical and moral values and cultural norms with regard to violence, brutality, and even murder. All people are products of cultural conditions and their worldviews operate outside of their level of consciousness. Therefore, no group can be preconditioned to see only the worst in themselves and not exhibit some degree of negative psychological impact. This mass manipulation program is In fact, so proficient at damaging the Black self-perception that tragically it has become easier for many Blacks to accept derogatory premises of themselves rather than recognizing this program.

This mass psychological conditioning program also significantly influences society as a whole. Its ultimate goal is to foster a consensual national setting of where in which Blacks are more easily divided, exploited and ultimately suppressed. The media’s constant negative imagery of Black Americans is not only fraudulently inaccurate but is actually being done to engender a shift of victimization that changes the root problem of racism in America to be due to Black’s behavior rather than White’s proclivity for racism. Therefore insinuates that America would be a better society as a whole if African Americans were gone, thus engendering increasingly prejudiced distorted perceptions and acrimonious beliefs about African Americans that are designed to makes the nation and the entire world insensitive to their plight, tranquilizes efforts on their behalf, lessens pressure for social change on their behalf and makes any serious criticism of White racism almost impossible today and attempts discourage miscegenation between Blacks and whites. It also creates a false justification for the legal system’s mistreatment of African Americans. Wherein they are disproportionately incarcerated, given stiffer sentences, and are more likely than other racial groups to be treated brutally, beaten, and fired upon by police officers while they are unarmed. These injustices now goes ignored because the perception has become that it’s all now justified.
When contempt of Blacks is made to appear to be justifiable, it is the most fiercest and effective type of racism because its witnesses, bystanders, and even world audiences will sit by idly allowing African Americans to be brutally mistreated disproportionately incarcerated under the belief that it is justified.] It also affects attitudes that when enacted through governmental policies, laws, and other legislation actions, serve to ensure that African Americans will not advance. Its effects are manifested in ideas, education, governmental policies, economic stratification, social segregation, housing markets, hiring and promotion practices, psychological issues, and minority access to a variety of social services and opportunity. This campaign successfully stripped African Americans of the national and international support that was acquired during the 1960's civil rights struggles. This anti Black governmental campaign of psychological warfare also creates a false justification for the legal system’s mistreatment of African Americans wherein they are disproportionately incarcerated, given stiffer sentences, and are more likely than other racial groups to be treated brutally, beaten, and fired upon by police officers while they are unarmed. Moreover, some studies have shown that this shift of victimization now reflects increasingly acrimonious beliefs and prejudiced perceptions about and against African Americans that are arguably stronger today than they were after emancipation.
The objective of the United States government has always been to maintain its White dominance over its Black population, and clearly, psychological warfare meets this need—because it covertly creates a national climate that allows the government to suppress consensually the advancement of its African American population and to maintain its White dominance and national stability.
Many Black people, in defending their white Governments, will adamantly present the question of why would their government find it a necessity to implement such a racist scheme? Within America these declarations are made among Blacks because the image that has been firmly established upon the consciousness of Black America, in regards to the U.S. Government, are those of the U.S. government sending troops to Little Rock, Arkansas to safely escort Black students to attend schools, or that of the Northern Union soldiers fighting and dying against the Confederate army to free the slaves, and of the many social programs that the federal Government has implemented towards the benefit of African Americans. However, while these undertakings by the U.S. government individually and collectively deserve our appreciation, they do not accurately provide the full picture revealing the true or entire relationship shared between the U.S. Government and its Black population. These favorable stories and events are the result of the same compulsory racial integration programs that reflects only what the U.S. Government wants its African Americans population to remember and are not historically accurate at reflecting or determining the true past relationship or the underlying present existing relationship between African Americans and the U.S. Government.
From slavery to the present, African Americans have undeniably borne an unprecedented amount of suffering and mistreatment by the U.S. government because of their race. However, so many have forgotten or repressed so much of these maltreatments and have, instead, come to accept the favorable-but-false perpetuated White persona that represents everything that White people never were -- and still are not -- in place of the truth, thus engendering a sort of psychologically induced coma concerning their own Black holocaust. Because most African Americans are denied an educational system and media reports that gives them accurate information, both historically and at present, reflecting the U.S. Governments relationship with African American, therefore most are totally oblivious of the true fundamental core character of this existing relationship.
This disclosure is formulated upon an in debt knowledge of America’s history and intrinsic racist ideologies. It is also conceptualized like that of a circumstantial case not unlike many of those case heard within America’s highest courts demonstrating a means, motive, and prior behavior of the accused that is consistent with the theory of the case.
The insidious propaganda and public opinion manipulations (including mind control agendas) orchestrated by London's Tavistock Institute is covered at greater length in the book the Black Matrix by Franklin Jones .
Educate yourselves about what is really going on, and avoid traps that many have fallen into so deep. Visit